Cream Eggs
Cream eggs cut open

Cream Eggs

Regular price $ 3.50

As we make the cream eggs, they will be added to the website. All the "sold out" labels are from 2024. This is how to be notified when any item is back in stock: go to the product page for the item you want and sign up to be notified by clicking “email when available” and entering your email. Each request is tallied and the items that receive the most requests are at the top of the to-do list. 

Our hand made cream eggs will make your Easter celebration special. The cream eggs are a single serving size and are available in many flavors for Easter: buttercream (made with real butter), coconut, raspberry, *marshmallow and *peanut butter cream. The cream eggs are individually wrapped in the foil color that indicates the flavor and chocolate type (milk chocolate or dark chocolate).

*Please note that the peanut butter is a cream center, NOT just peanut butter, like a peanut butter cup. The marshmallow is just a marshmallow center, NOT marshmallow cream.

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